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Quotes by Pat Robertson
(1930 - )

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AtheismThe courts are merely a ruse, if you will, for humanist, atheistic educators to beat up on Christians.
BabblingI would warn Orlando that you're right in the way of some serious hurricanes and I don't think I'd be waving those flags in God's face if I were you. This is not a message of hate; this is a message of redemption. But a condition like this will bring about the destruction of your nation. It'll bring about terrorist bombs; it'll bring earthquakes, tornadoes and possibly a meteor.
- (right-wing evangelist)
CommunismCommunism was the brain-child of German-Jewish intellectuals.
- (Evangelist)
GibberishI know this is painful for the ladies to hear, but if you get married, you have accepted the headship of a man, your husband. Christ is the head of the household and the husband is the head of the wife, and that's the way it is, period.
GibberishThe feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.
GibberishYou're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense. I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist.
GibberishPresbyterians are the spirit of the Antichrist.
- (Evangelist)
HitlerismMany of those people involved with Adolf Hitler were Satanists, many of them were homosexuals -- the two things seem to go together.
IdiocyI don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war, and I don't think any oil shipments will stop.
- (of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez)
IdiocyI think we ought to close Halloween down. Do you want your children to dress up as witches? The Druids used to dress up like this when they were doing human sacrifice. Your children are acting out Satanic rituals and participating in it, and don't even realize it.
- (Evangelist)
Male dominanceAs long as the husband is following the mandate of the Lord, the wife should submit to his leadership even though she may disagree with it.
- (Evangelist)
stupidThere is no such thing as separation of church and state in the Constitution. It is a lie of the Left and we are not going to take it anymore.
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