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ANGERThose that like to give others "a piece of their mind" shouldn't be surprised by how quickly they run out of pieces.
- (Author "COMMENTS USA")
ANGERThose who like to give others "a piece of their mind" shouldn't be surprised by how quickly they run out of pieces.
- (Author )
BIG PROBLEMS ???It seems as though when we have no major problems, we do as newscasters do; we take small things and make them large
- (Author Cmments USA)
FOLLOWING TRENDS"Going with the flow" often means going down the drain.
- (Author "COMMENTS USA")
FREEDOM'S PARADOXParadoxically, true freedom is acquired by first placing reins on ourselves.
- (Author Comments USA)
GETTING THE WORD AROUNDSecrets should be regarded as what we tell others when we want something to be widely known.
- (Author )
GOVERNMENTIt is rather amazing that those who believe that magic is a fake believe that government isn’t.
- (Author "Comments USA")
HEALTHWhen someone gets diagnosed as having hypochondria, the first thing that they wonder about is whether or not it is fatal.
- (Author Comments USA)
MarriageTo many, the marriage vows are only a series of trick questions to be answer later, maybe.
- (Author of Comments USA)
Mistaken beliefsThose who might be momentarily inhibited by the saying- “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” might be encouraged to make three or four more.
- (Author "Comments USA")
MONEY & FRIENDSAlthough money can’t buy friends, it sure makes them a lot easier to rent
ONE WAY TO SAVEEarly to bed and early to rise, lessens the need to economize.
- (Author )
SELF -DENIALSelf-denial doesn’t necessarily make you live longer but it necessarily makes it seem so.
- (Author )
Self-loveWhen love of self is strong, it is seldom unrequited.
STYLESIn a circus, we see various animals trained to jump through hoops of fire, while in daily life we see those, who have been trained to follow fads and styles, do the same on cue by their trainers as they call the old to be outmoded and the new to be stylish. The difference is that the animals get rewarded for performing while people willingly pay to perform.
- (Author- COMMENTS USA)
THE QUESTIONABLE MARKWhen some people make their mark in the world, it looks more like graffiti.
- (Author- )
TruthThe friend of all is truth, no matter how unwelcome IT IS on arrival.
TRUTHThe friend of all is truth, no matter how unwelcome on arrival.
- (Author- COMMENTS USA)
WHAT WE REGARD AS A PROBLEMIt seems as though when we have no major problems, we do as newscasters do; we take small problems and make them large
- (Author- COMMENTS USA)
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