Category | Quote | E-Mail this quote | Actors | Some of the greatest love affairs I've known involved one actor, unassisted.
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Art | Art is science made clear.
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Birth | To my embarrassment I was born in bed with a lady.
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Critics | A drama critic is a person who surprises the playwright by informing him what he meant.
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Death | Those who welcome death have only tried it from the ears up.
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Flattery | I hate careless flattery, the kind that exhausts you in your effort to believe it.
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Fools | A fellow who is always declaring he's no fool usually has his suspicions.
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Gambling | Gambling: The sure way of getting nothing for something.
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God | God help those who do not help themselves.
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Hollywood | I've spent several years in Hollywood, and I still think the movie heroes are in the audience.
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Listening | A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he gets to know something.
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Marriage | The days just prior to marriage are like a snappy introduction to a tedious book.
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Self centered | Don't talk about yourself; it will be done when you leave. - (Screenwriter) | |