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Quotes about Self

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AnonymousLaughing at yourself will lengthen your life. Laughing at me will shorten it.
ChesterfieldStatesmen and beauties are very rarely sensible of the gradations of their decay.
don device
(1966 - ????)
Hey, it's okay to let yourself go, as long as you let yourself come.
- ((denied))
Dr. Samuel Johnson
(1707 - 1784)
All censure of a man's self is oblique praise. It is in order to show how much he can spare. It has all the invidiousness of self-praise, and all the reproach of falsehood.
Franklin P. Adams
(1881 - 1960)
I am easily influenced. Compared to me a weather vane is Gibralter
Friedrich NietzcheNever to talk about oneself is a very refined form of hypocrisy.
Groucho Marx
(1890 - 1977)
When I invite a woman to dinner I expect her to look at my face. That's the price she has to pay.
Joss Whedon
(1964 - )
Always be yourself... unless you suck.
LichtenbergHe who is in love with himself has at least this advantage- he won't encounter many rivals in his love.
Lily Tomlin
(1939 - )
For fast acting relief, try slowing down.
Malcolm De ChazalThe ring always believes that the finger lives for it.
Robert Byrne
(1917 - )
In order to preserve your self-respect, it is sometimes necessary to lie and cheat.
Rudyard KiplingTake everything you like seriously, except yourselves.
WALT HASKINSSelf-denial doesn’t necessarily make you live longer but it necessarily makes it seem so.
- (Author )
WALT HASKINSWhen love of self is strong, it is seldom unrequited.
William Hazlitt
(1778 - 1830)
The most silent people are generally those who think most highly of themselves.
- (English writer and critic)
Wilson Mizner
(1876 - 1933)
Don't talk about yourself; it will be done when you leave.
- (Screenwriter)
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