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Quotes about immigration

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Bumper stickerLet's ask the Native Americans about our immigration policies.
Conan O'BrienYesterday thousands of Mexicans gathered in Mexico City to protest high food prices. The protest only lasted an hour, because they all had to leave for their jobs in Los Angeles.
Doug LinkhartThe Chinese began the Wall nearly 3,000 years ago to keep out the thundering hordes from the north that threatened to kill them. Here, we're building a fence to keep out the hungry folks from the south that want to scrub our floors.
- (Denver City Councilman At-Large)
Jay Leno
(1950 - )
Hurricane Ernesto is gaining strength and is expected to strike the east coast in the next few days. Well, that's one way to guarantee that it gets into the U.S. -- give it a Spanish name.
Jay Leno
(1950 - )
The government announced today that the nation's population officially passed 300 million. At the same time, the population of Mexico dropped to 38.
Jay Leno
(1950 - )
The government announced today that the nation's population officially passed 300 million. At the same time, the population of Mexico dropped to 38.
Jay Leno
(1950 - )
Ellis Island was reopened today, closed since 1954, the last time people entered this country legally.
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